Dip in the blue

It was quite hot today so me, my mum and her partner went to take a dip in a nearby small lake called Garsjön. Which Björn, my moms partner actually own half of.

Here's a small selection of pictures from the event.

            on our way there, it lies very excluded and pretty much only we bath there.

                   just stepped out from the car. ou can see the bridge that Björn has built.

                                Pic from the boat out in the open.

                                                        Me enjoying the water

                                    Myself standing on the bridge.

And now I'm off to bed, got loads of stuff to do tomorrow. I might mention some of them here. We'll see.


Got myself a brand spankin new tattoo the other week. The first of many to come!

Here's a crappy pic of it, haven't gotten around to take a better one yet. Might add it later if so, in the meantime I'll throw up the one I got.


That's a nice tan huh? :)

Lightning strikes

So, not much have happened the last few weeks. Although I have just the other day completed the move to my moms place in preparation for my Aussie trip. Kinda miss the apartment already though.. but I'm sure I'll survive the 6 weeks I will be staying here.

On the same day I moved here lightning actually struck a nearby tree, just 20 meters from the house. split it in two pieces. Got a pic of it right here.

and another

In da voood

Me and my friend decided to go out and take a night under the sky the other day. Happens from time to time since we both like the outdoor feel to it. Brought our very comfortable Hammocks from Hennesy ( makes all the difference :) )

And here are a small selection of pictures from the event.

Heading out!
                                             Heading out!

                                                                          My buddie.

                                                                              Me! :)

   Me again after my mate said a funny thing so I try to keep the beverage in my mouth, hence the funny face.


                                                       Setting up the Hammock.


                                                           Pretty obvious but ... camp fire.

                                         One of the hammocks without the windshield mounted.

                                                  And last but not least a little bit of  masculinity :)

Stay tuned for more adventures during the summer.

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